Run onto the pet store’s lawn

poor pup

I am done with this boring life. I need to get out. How nice would it be to control my own life? I sighed dreamily.

Just then, the door of the dog room opened.

“Time! Yard!” A woman shouted into the room. Dogs scrambled out of the door and into the hallway leading to the yard and I followed behind, savoring the pet shop’s scene before I ran out into the wild.

Once I was out in the yard, I began to walk near the fence. Keeping a careful eye on the dog watcher, who was phone-watching rather than dog-watching, I began to slowly stalk toward the back of the pet store, where there was a hole beneath the fence, which I had determined was from a pesky rabbit I could never chase down. Ha! Wait till I am outside rabbits! I will chase you down the open streets and woods. The thought of catching a rabbit entertained me and boosted my confidence.

Bark! A toy poodle stared at me in confusion, her white ears flopping. I glared at her, and the poodle warily trotted away. Good, now no one is looking. I began to dig a deeper hole below the fence. More and more dirt sprayed behind me until I was sure I could fit my body through. Taking a deep breath I bent my body down and began to crawl through despite the sharp metal ends of the fence.

Almost, almost….There! You are all outside! I turned around to look at the dogs in the yard.

“Ha! Look at me!” I howled and barked at them. “Bye, bye, you will never catch me~” I teased.

Immediately, the dogs began barking at me, some with jealousy, others at my statement. But above all the voices, I heard the old wise husky that stayed at the pet shop longer than anyone, grumble and warn, “Ace, the outside is dangerous. Someone else will definitely catch you. Oh, you will regret your decisions young dog.”

“I don’t care!” I refuted back and began to run away.


Carried around by my instincts, I stopped at a park filled with screaming children and adults sitting on benches. Looking around, I saw a person sitting on a bench curiously observing me, and the wide open city, both inviting me.

yardin icty

What will you choose to do?